Darfield to Rolleston bus service
We’ve heard from people in Selwyn district that there is strong interest for improvements to public transport services.
This proposal only impacts residents in:
- Darfield
- West Melton
- Kirwee
We've heard that residents are likely to support a targeted rate to enable these improvements, meaning those who would potentially directly benefit from the services would pay an additional rate.
Do you support our proposed trial?
We want to know if you support a 2-year trial that would include a direct peak time service, and possibly a midday service, between Darfield and Rolleston via West Melton and Kirwee.
Funding through a targeted rate
A trial like what we're proposing would be 100% locally funded via a targeted rate that would be ongoing and increase annually. There are 2,821 rating units in Darfield, West Melton and Kirwee only that would share this cost. Find out why this is 100% funded by you.
While we’re asking this question, and even if supported by the community, this route still might not be feasible. If the trial is supported, and we move ahead with giving it a go, the earliest it would start would be at the end of 2025, and we would review after one year to make relevant adjustments.
The options available
• I want a direct service just at peak time*
• I want a direct service at peak time and midday
• I don’t want to fund this service.
*Peak time is defined as between 6-9am and 2.30-6pm. For option 1, there would be one service during each of these times.
Have a read about the options and then tell us what you think before 5pm 3 April 2025.
As we prepare our Annual Plan for 2025/26, we also want to hear what you think about: