About the Annual Plan | Mahere ā Tau 2025/26

In our Long-Term Plan 2024–34(External link), adopted in June last year, we outlined our vision for the environment in Waitaha/Canterbury.

We remain committed to delivering this mahi (work). However, since then, several issues and challenges have come up that impact this mahi and funding for the 2025/26 year onwards.

As we prepare our Annual Plan for 2025/26, we want to hear what you think about:

Have a read about the options and then tell us what you think before 5pm 3 April 2025.

In our Long-Term Plan 2024–34(External link), adopted in June last year, we outlined our vision for the environment in Waitaha/Canterbury.

We remain committed to delivering this mahi (work). However, since then, several issues and challenges have come up that impact this mahi and funding for the 2025/26 year onwards.

As we prepare our Annual Plan for 2025/26, we want to hear what you think about:

Have a read about the options and then tell us what you think before 5pm 3 April 2025.

  • We would like your feedback on our draft Annual Plan 2025/26 which proposes changes to Year 2 of our Long-Term Plan 2024-34. These changes are in our public transport core service. We also want your feedback on some changes we are proposing to fees and charges for our resource consents service. Both topics are outlined in our consultation document and on these pages. 

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Page last updated: 28 Feb 2025, 02:29 PM