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Annual Plan 2025/26 submission form | Puka urupare

We would like your feedback on our draft Annual Plan 2025/26 which proposes changes to Year 2 of our Long-Term Plan 2024-34. These changes are in our public transport core service. We also want your feedback on some changes we are proposing to fees and charges for our resource consents service. Both topics are outlined in our consultation document and on these pages. 

0% answered

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required

Tell us what you think about our draft Annual Plan 2025/26

Submissions close at 5pm, 3 April 2025. 

Fields marked * are mandatory.  

Submissions are public information.  

Your name and feedback will be published and made available to councillors and the public.   

Contact details, such as your email address and phone number (if provided), will not be published. They may be given to councillors if they wish to contact you about your submission. Contact details may be used by staff for administration of the consultation process.   

You can read our Privacy Statement on the Environment Canterbury website. This outlines how we will hold and protect the personal information you provide.   

If there are good reasons why your name and/or feedback should be kept confidential, contact us at and specify why that information should be withheld. 

Please note that you should not include any personal information in the open text fields of the submission if you do not wish it to be made public.

After you've read about the options, you could expect to spend about 5-10 minutes completing this feedback form. 

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters



Are you submitting on behalf of an organisation, association or community group?

* required

Would you mind telling us your age bracket?

Collecting this information helps us understand who we hear from.

Supporting your submission

Anyone can make a submission. All submissions will be considered by Council in accordance with our submissions policy before Councillors make a decision.

Maximum 255 characters


You can also come to speak in person to Council about your submission at public sessions that are known as 'hearings'.


Do you want to speak to Council about your submission at the Annual Plan hearings?

* required
If you want to speak to your submission, please ensure your contact details are accurate so we can contact you to schedule a hearing time. Hearings are scheduled for 5-9 May 2025.