About the Annual Plan | Mahere ā Tau 2025/26
In our Long-Term Plan 2024–34, adopted in June last year, we outlined our vision for the environment in Waitaha/Canterbury.
We remain committed to delivering this mahi (work). However, since then, several issues and challenges have come up that impact this mahi and funding for the 2025/26 year onwards.
As we prepare our Annual Plan for 2025/26, we want to hear what you think about:
Have a read about the options and then tell us what you think before 5pm 3 April 2025.
In our Long-Term Plan 2024–34, adopted in June last year, we outlined our vision for the environment in Waitaha/Canterbury.
We remain committed to delivering this mahi (work). However, since then, several issues and challenges have come up that impact this mahi and funding for the 2025/26 year onwards.
As we prepare our Annual Plan for 2025/26, we want to hear what you think about:
Have a read about the options and then tell us what you think before 5pm 3 April 2025.
What will it cost?
In our Long-Term Plan we had planned $365.3 million of total expenditure in 2025/26, with $225.0 million funded by rates. This would have meant a total rates revenue increase of 15.5%.
We are now proposing $358.8 million of total expenditure in 2025/26, with $214.0 million funded by rates. This is now proposed to be a total rates revenue increase of 9.9%.
The difference is largely made up of work being deferred or not progressing in public transport. Other organisational savings, across multiple areas of work, make up the rest.
Our work
We are the regional council for Canterbury, known as Environment Canterbury/Kaunihera Taiao ki Waitaha. Our work is funded in the most part by the people of Canterbury.
As we set out in our Long-Term Plan, we’ve taken a different approach to the way we describe our work. We’ve defined it as the delivery of three core services. These are:
Environmental Regulation and Protection | Ngā mahi tiakina me ngā whakaritenga taiao
Community Preparedness and Response to Hazards | Te whakarite hapori me ngā urupare mōrearea
Public Transport | Ngā waka tūmatanui
Find out more about our core services on our website.
The big picture
This Annual Plan is our 2025/26 commitment to Cantabrians. It highlights the services that will help us contribute to the outcomes we all want to see for our region.
Every three years we put together a ten-year Long-Term Plan. For the other years, an Annual Plan outlines the activities and budget for the upcoming financial year.
The world we work in is constantly evolving and the work that we do, and how we do it, needs to evolve too. We’re focusing on the important services we deliver for Waitaha/Canterbury.
Our most recent Long-Term Plan highlighted these services, from setting the regulatory frameworks for the management of Canterbury’s environment, building and maintaining flood and river resilience, to providing bus and ferry services in Greater Christchurch and Timaru.
Our strategic priorities for the next decade are:
To take decisive action for healthy freshwater, land, coastal ecosystems and air quality
Foster relationships to underpin regional leadership for our communities
Promote sustainable and healthy living and working environments
Help communities respond and adapt to climate change.
What's impacting our work
Our current Long-Term Plan 2024-34 was developed in the context of changing expectations from central government for both local and regional government.
The current coalition government is working through a number of significant legislative and policy reforms that will impact our role and function as regional government. This includes resource management, climate change adaptation, infrastructure and funding, transport and te tiriti/te ao Māori-related legislation.
Work to understand the implications of the changing legislative context on regional government is ongoing, including implications for funding and our ability to deliver the work outlined in our Long-Term Plan.
While inflationary pressures and interest rates are easing, economic conditions are challenging and cost pressures for the community and our organisation remain high.
Changing requirements and expectations from central government and the need to invest to address climate change and environmental challenges continue to put pressure on rates.
Changes from the Long-Term Plan 2024-34
In our draft Annual Plan, we’re proposing a work programme and budget that is largely based on Year 2 of the Long-Term Plan 2024–34, which was adopted in June 2024.
However, considering the changing central government landscape, we are proposing to make a few adjustments to address some of the changes that have arisen over the last year.
These changes are largely in our public transport core service.
We signalled these possible changes in our Long-Term Plan because at the time of adoption of the plan, June 2024, we were aware that changes were coming, but we did not yet have visibility of what they were and the potential impact on our services.
How to make a submission
There are many ways to make a submission on this draft Annual Plan:
- Online: complete the online form
- Email: haveyoursay@ecan.govt.nz with ‘Annual Plan submission’ as the subject Post:
- By post: Annual Plan submission, Freepost 1201, Environment Canterbury, PO Box 345, Christchurch 8140
- In-person: Pick up a copy of the form at the library, or print one and post or drop it off at one of our offices:
- Christchurch office, 200 Tuam Street
- Kaikōura office, Level 2, 96 West End
- Timaru office, 75 Church Street, Timaru 7910
You may also speak about your submission in person at a public hearing. If you would like to, please indicate this in your submission.
All submissions are public documents. Your name and submission will be published on our website with your contact details removed. You can learn more about our privacy policy.
28 February 2025
About the Annual Plan | Mahere ā Tau 2025/26 is currently at this stageConsultation opens
5pm 3 April 2025
this is an upcoming stage for About the Annual Plan | Mahere ā Tau 2025/26Consultation closes
5-9 May 2025
this is an upcoming stage for About the Annual Plan | Mahere ā Tau 2025/26Hearings – opportunity to present your submission to councillors
27 and 29 May 2025
this is an upcoming stage for About the Annual Plan | Mahere ā Tau 2025/26Deliberations – Council meets to discuss all submissions and other information to make decisions on the content of the final Annual Plan
25 June 2025
this is an upcoming stage for About the Annual Plan | Mahere ā Tau 2025/26Annual Plan 2025/26 presented for adoption