On 19 June 2024, the Canterbury Regional Council approved variations to the final version of the Canterbury Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-34, which will come into effect on 1 July 2024.
Consultation on the draft RLTP ran from 26 January until 26 February 2024. There were 131 responses and 23 people spoke to their submission at a hearing held on 18 March.
What we heard from submitters
Submitters were generally supportive of the draft plan, see table below for levels of support for key areas of the plan:
Area of the Canterbury Regional Land Transport Plan
As a direct result of submissions, the Committee has amended the plan to reflect:
the importance of equity and inclusion
the level of tsunami risk from a Hikurangi subduction zone earthquake, resulting in a higher ranking of the Pages Road Bridge renewal project
changes to legislation or policy context for eg the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport released in 2024.
The Committee has also committed to:
Investigating new or improved indicators for the monitoring framework regarding maintenance (including cycleways), deaths and serious injuries by user group, mode shift, environmental impacts.
Requesting the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi and Canterbury Regional Council report back on the state highway and public transport improvements
Work with the Ministry of Transport and Kiwirail to mitigate the risk of underinvestment in Canterbury.
Work to understand the transport expectations of Papatipu Rūnanga.
On 19 June 2024, the Canterbury Regional Council approved variations to the final version of the Canterbury Regional Land Transport Plan 2024-34, which will come into effect on 1 July 2024.
Consultation on the draft RLTP ran from 26 January until 26 February 2024. There were 131 responses and 23 people spoke to their submission at a hearing held on 18 March.
What we heard from submitters
Submitters were generally supportive of the draft plan, see table below for levels of support for key areas of the plan:
Area of the Canterbury Regional Land Transport Plan
As a direct result of submissions, the Committee has amended the plan to reflect:
the importance of equity and inclusion
the level of tsunami risk from a Hikurangi subduction zone earthquake, resulting in a higher ranking of the Pages Road Bridge renewal project
changes to legislation or policy context for eg the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport released in 2024.
The Committee has also committed to:
Investigating new or improved indicators for the monitoring framework regarding maintenance (including cycleways), deaths and serious injuries by user group, mode shift, environmental impacts.
Requesting the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi and Canterbury Regional Council report back on the state highway and public transport improvements
Work with the Ministry of Transport and Kiwirail to mitigate the risk of underinvestment in Canterbury.
Work to understand the transport expectations of Papatipu Rūnanga.