Changing the bus fare structure

With communities growing across Christchurch City, Selwyn and Waimakariri Districts we want to encourage more people to use the bus to get around. Making fewer car trips and taking the bus, walking, cycling or carpooling makes a significant community contribution to the reduction of congestion on our roads and emissions from transport.

From February 2023, a new bus fare structure will result in fare reductions for all bus users, thereby encouraging greater use of public transport.

With communities growing across Christchurch City, Selwyn and Waimakariri Districts we want to encourage more people to use the bus to get around. Making fewer car trips and taking the bus, walking, cycling or carpooling makes a significant community contribution to the reduction of congestion on our roads and emissions from transport.

From February 2023, a new bus fare structure will result in fare reductions for all bus users, thereby encouraging greater use of public transport.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

If you have questions about this fare review, we'd love to answer them! Enter your question in the box below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

  • With option 2, will it still be free travel within the 2 hours & also what's the maximum you'd pay per day? I bus 5 days a week minimum, I don't have a community service card. Thanks

    TC asked about 3 years ago

    Yes, for all options the fare caps, when using a metrocard, still remain. So in Option 2, for an adult your maximum daily payment would be $4 and your weekly maximum would be $20. I hope you have done your submission - it closes April 3rd.

  • Good morning, thank you for your response to my previous question. I have another question regarding the levy for future funding for action in response to climate change. I understand there will be no budget/rating for this in the 2022/23 LTP year. Are you asking ratepayers what they would be comfortable to pay, or is there a proposed amount (e.g. an 18% increase to general rate?) that Environment Canterbury wish to allocate for this in the future? Apologies if I have missed this in the consultation document. Kind regards Maria

    Maria EDGAR asked about 3 years ago

    Kia ora Maria,
    You are correct, the climate change levy idea will not be included in the next Annual Plan for 2022/23. Rather we are seeking input on whether you would support the idea, and if so, what sorts of projects/activities do you feel it should be funding? There are no figures discussed or proposed at this point, and we aren't necessarily asking the public to suggest this either. That said, all thoughts on the idea, are welcome.
    Ngā mihi

  • Can you provide more detail about how much it would cost for diamond harbour residents to commute to and from the city (ferry, bus then bus, ferry) using a metro card under option 2? Will this be 12 dollars per day? Currently this costs under $10 per day because when purchasing zone three ferry, the bus fare is free. Will this be the same principle in option 2? Will the ferry and bus trip from diamond harbour to the city be $4?, and therefore, $8 for a diamond harbour to the city and return commute?

    Chelsea Dickson asked about 3 years ago

    Option 2 is the flat fare of $2 for an adult. The ferry will be a flat fare of $4 an adult. Therefore for an adult to travel from Diamond Harbour to the CBD and return for one day - using a metrocard and stating a 2 - zone fare when starting the morning and afternoon trip - This would be $4 each way - the return trip would cost $8

  • Is the scope of the proposed changes to the bus fare structure limited to Christchurch City, Selwyn and Waimakariri Districts? Will any changes also apply to public transport in the Timaru District?

    Brendan asked about 3 years ago

    This consultation is for the metro service for Greater Christchurch. It does include the Timaru services.

  • Kia ora, I was wondering what the proposed cost would be for regular users of the bus system under your preferred option one? Nga mihi, Scarlett

    Scarlett Stott asked about 3 years ago

    Under Option 1 people who do not qualify for a free fare would pay the present fare and the 3 zone system would remain.

  • With the $2 flat fare option will the daily and weekly maximum fare caps still apply?

    Tara asked about 3 years ago

    Yes the daily and weekly caps when using a metrocard still apply for all three options.

  • Hi So jf I take the ferry from Diamond Harbour and then bus into town (as I do now) do I have to oay $2 flat rate just to get through the tunnel? Also is there a return flat rate on ferry? (with metro). Will the timetables change? Thanks heaps Vabessa

    Nessy80 asked about 3 years ago

    In Option 2 - The zone system will stay the same when using the ferry. So you need to buy a zone 2 fare for $4/adult and this will cover both the ferry and bus one way. $8 return.

  • Following on from MDs question, Option 2 is a reduced flat fare WHEN USING YOUR METROCARD. Option 1 does not seem to make the distinction that it is available when a Metrocard is used, yet the answer to MD suggests it would be. Shouldn't that be explicit for those considering the options. Regular bus users see the challenge for drivers with child cash fares for anyone not wearing a school uniform ie. those wearing a contractors uniform and looking like they wouldn't get ID checked at a bottlestore presenting and saying child as they put their cash down.

    DF asked about 3 years ago

    You are correct. People who would be eligible for a free fare in Option 1 will need to have a metrocard. We will not design the systems for the options until we know which one is to be implemented. For Option 1 the concept is that a passenger would need to to have their criteria loaded onto their metrocard and at that time show proof of eligibility, such as a Community Services card.

  • If 'under 25s' are going to be eligible for a concession then they will presumably need to carry some proof of their date of birth. How is that going to be managed?

    MD asked about 3 years ago


    At present the metrocard system recognises a "child" by their date of birth. If option 1 is implemented a similar system would be implemented.
  • Does Option 2 still allow for free travel for Gold Card holders?

    Ciaran Moss asked about 3 years ago


    The Supergold card concession does not change for off peak travel in any of the options. Option 2 reduces your fare using a metrocard if you travel in peak times.
Page last updated: 15 Dec 2022, 04:10 PM