What's impacting our work

Our current Long-Term Plan 2024-34 was developed in the context of changing expectations from central government for both local and regional government.

The current coalition government is working through a number of significant legislative and policy reforms that will impact our role and function as regional government. This includes resource management, climate change adaptation, infrastructure and funding, transport and te tiriti/te ao Māori-related legislation.

Work to understand the implications of the changing legislative context on regional government is ongoing, including implications for funding and our ability to deliver the work outlined in our Long-Term Plan.

While inflationary pressures and interest rates are easing, economic conditions are challenging and cost pressures for the community and our organisation remain high.

Changing requirements and expectations from central government and the need to invest to address climate change and environmental challenges continue to put pressure on rates.

Changes from the Long-Term Plan 2024-34

In our draft Annual Plan, we’re proposing a work programme and budget that is largely based on Year 2 of the Long-Term Plan 2024–34, which was adopted in June 2024.

However, considering the changing central government landscape, we are proposing to make a few adjustments to address some of the changes that have arisen over the last year.

These changes are largely in our public transport core service.

We signalled these possible changes in our Long-Term Plan because at the time of adoption of the plan, June 2024, we were aware that changes were coming, but we did not yet have visibility of what they were and the potential impact on our services.

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