The big picture

This Annual Plan is our 2025/26 commitment to Cantabrians. It highlights the services that will help us contribute to the outcomes we all want to see for our region.

Every three years we put together a ten-year Long-Term Plan. For the other years, an Annual Plan outlines the activities and budget for the upcoming financial year.

The world we work in is constantly evolving and the work that we do, and how we do it, needs to evolve too. We’re focusing on the important services we deliver for Waitaha/Canterbury.

Our most recent Long-Term Plan highlighted these services, from setting the regulatory frameworks for the management of Canterbury’s environment, building and maintaining flood and river resilience, to providing bus and ferry services in Greater Christchurch and Timaru.

Our strategic priorities for the next decade are:

  • To take decisive action for healthy freshwater, land, coastal ecosystems and air quality

  • Foster relationships to underpin regional leadership for our communities

  • Promote sustainable and healthy living and working environments

  • Help communities respond and adapt to climate change.

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