What about Maori representation?
Since 2011 ECan has enjoyed the value and benefit of having 2 Ngai Tahu representatives at the council table. Prior to developing the representation options, Council considered how the review could support continued Maori representation at ECan.
The Local Electoral Act provides for councils to establish Maori constituencies if they so choose, however, our investigations concluded that applying the Local Electoral Act for Maori representation would result in a single member Maori constituency with a representative that need not be Ngai Tahu.
This is because any eligible elector can stand as a candidate in a Maori constituency and therefore Ngai Tahu - the tribal authority and mana whenua in Canterbury - would not be guaranteed a seat at the council table.
We therefore confirmed our position that Maori constituencies are not appropriate for the Canterbury rohe and this view is shared by Te Rūnanga o Ngai Tahu who support Council’s decision to not establish Maori constituencies.Consultation has concluded