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Public transport plan survey

Consultation closes at 5pm on Thursday 24 October 2024.

Your submission will help ensure the Regional Public Transport Plan delivers for communities across the Canterbury region. 

Submissions are public information. Your name and feedback will be published and made available to elected members and the public. Contact details, such as your email address and phone number (if provided), will not be published. They may be given to councillors if they wish to contact you about your submission.  Contact details may be used by staff for administration of the consultation process. Read our Privacy Statement, which outlines how we will hold and protect the personal information you provide. If there are good reasons why your name and/or feedback should be kept confidential, contact us at and specify why that information should be withheld. 

Please note that you should not include any personal information in the open text fields of the submission if you do not wish it to be made public.

If you would like to read the full plan before filling out the form you can find it at

We estimate it will take 5-10 minutes to complete this survey. 

0% answered

About you 

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters



Are you making this submission on behalf of an organisation, association or community group?


What age category are you in?

Select option


Which public transport service/s in Canterbury do you use? Choose all that apply. 


How often do you use public transport?

Please make sure your submission covers the questions above.

Maximum 255 characters



Do you want to speak to either the Greater Christchurch Partnership or Regional Transport Committees in-person about your submission at a public session or 'hearing'?

* required
If you want to speak to your submission, please ensure you have given us your email address and phone number. We will be in touch to arrange hearing times. Hearings are scheduled for November 2024.