Our vision and priorities

We’ve incorporated all the updates made to our public transport network in Canterbury over the last six years into the plan, so you can see how and why we operate the way we do.

Our vision

We have revised our vision for the public transport network and want to know what you think:

Public transport is the mode of choice for more people and provides a safe, frequent, seamless, low emission transport option.

Our top five priorities

We recognise there is opportunity to improve how attractive and user-friendly our network is and get more people using our service, more often. To reflect this, our key priorities in the draft plan are:

  • Improving our environment: By reducing the carbon footprint of public transport and shifting to low or zero emission vehicles.
  • Growing patronage: By encouraging more people to use public transport, as we provide more buses, more often and a high-quality customer experience.
  • Innovation and technology: By integrating technology that will improve and complement our public transport system.
  • Accessibility: By providing more frequent public transport services so that more people can get to workplaces, shopping, education and recreation within 30 minutes of travel time.
  • Affordability: By expanding the network at a rate the community can afford, with cost effective services and infrastructure that is financially sustainable for users, ratepayers and funding agencies.

Our policy areas

  1. Networks, service levels, infrastructure, and supporting measures
  2. Funding and fares
  3. Customers
  4. Standards, procurement, monitoring and review

We’ve reviewed all the policies with our partners and revised them to reflect changes from the last six years. We’ve added a draft policy for passengers travelling with pets on public transport and described Motu Move – the National Ticketing Solution.

How the plan was developed

Over the last six years, we have consulted on components of this plan. Many of you have given feedback on our public transport plans through our Council’s annual and long-term plans. The Greater Christchurch partnership has looked at the future approach of mass rapid transit along growing corridors with consultation on the Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan development in 2023.

This plan was developed in partnership through the Greater Christchurch Partnership Committee and Canterbury Regional Transport Committee, which includes representatives from all local councils and key stakeholders, aligning infrastructure and services.

Where possible, changes have been incorporated to align with the draft NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Regional Public Transport guidelines, but further changes may be required.

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