Changes since the last plan

Since we adopted the last Canterbury Regional Public Transport Plan in 2018 there have been some significant changes. Most notably, we have all experienced and responded to the effects of a major pandemic – changing the way we live, work and move around the region.

Our public transport network is constantly being reviewed and improved. Changes since the last plan/ Ngā rerekētanga mai i te mahere o mua include:

Bus service enhancements

We now have direct services from Selwyn and Waimakariri Districts to the city, with local Park and Ride facilities to support them. A successful trial of Route 86 Darfield to the City, is now a permanent service, and we have improved the frequency of Routes: 3 Airport to Sumner, 8 Port-to-Port (Airport to Lyttelton) and 27 Northwood to Huntsbury. Further changes to bus frequencies are planned for some routes, see Public Transport Futures, page 16 of the consultation document.

More electric buses

We continue to upgrade our vehicle fleet – this includes the addition of 25 new electric buses in 2024, bringing our total to 70.

A new look for Metro

In 2020, we launched a new exterior design for Metro buses. The Greater Christchurch fleet is now a distinctive teal colour, with designs inspired by taonga/treasure species, the foods and resources shared by early Māori, and the natural landscape that connected them. Our story reflects how Metro is now a vital mode of connection across our region, with the consistent branding reflecting the connected network.

On-demand services

The innovative MyWay by Metro on-demand service in Timaru started as a trial in 2020 and is now permanent. Public transport usage has soared as the community have embraced this service.

Flat-fare trial

We are one-year into Environment Canterbury’s two-year flat-fare trial. Customers with Metrocards pay $2 for bus travel across Greater Christchurch. The fare trial also includes $1 concessions for under 25's, Community Service Card holders, tertiary students and Total Mobility card holders.

On-bus screens with real-time info

Next-stop information is being rolled out on Metro buses in Greater Christchurch. The screens allow customers to easily see the next three stops and how far away they are, from the comfort of their seat.

SuperGold Card changes

We changed the rules for SuperGold Card holders in Greater Christchurch, so they can travel for free on any Metro bus and ferry after 9am on weekdays, and all weekend.

Customer support team trial

In April, we established a customer support team. Its aim is to ensure a positive customer experience while travelling on some of Metro’s busier Greater Christchurch routes. The team also helps direct people to the correct buses and stops and provides other assistance to customers as needed. The team will be in place for at least a year, on a trial basis.

Motu Move - National Ticketing

Canterbury will be the first region in Aotearoa New Zealand to use Motu Move. This National Ticketing Solution will be rolled out across the country region by region. Motu Move will provide a range of easy-to-use payment methods, like contactless debit or credit cards, digital payments on mobile phones and smart watches and a prepaid Motu Move card.

Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan and Transport Plan

The Greater Christchurch Spatial Plan sets out a future city design to accommodate population growth and land-use, which is intertwined with how people move around for work, life or play. The plan was developed with community input through the Huihui Mai engagement in 2023. It has been woven into the direction within our public transport plan. The Greater Christchurch Transport Plan will provide an integrated investment plan for transport. Once finalised it will include an action plan that gives effect to the spatial plan.

Central government changes

This draft plan incorporates changes made by central government to the Land Transport Management Act in 2023.

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