What work would be done?
Bus and ferry services
Council's preferred programme of work includes:
- Delivery of all PT Futures network improvements over the next 7 years which includes:
- making all core routes ten-minute frequencies or better by 2028, resulting in average wait times of 5 mins. Route 7 is the next frequency uplift planned for 2025.
- additional direct services to the key centres in Waimakariri and Selwyn starting in Year 3*
- a review of the connector and local services through a business case to be completed by mid-2026 and implementing the improvements identified through the business case by 2031, improving the level of service across the whole network.
- An additional Diamond Harbour ferry and refurbishment of the existing ferry
- Targeted ‘quick win’ improvements on the existing network responding to changes in demand, for example increasing capacity on crowded buses, small tweaks to routes or frequency to better service the community
- Enhanced safety improvements for customers and drivers
- Increased investment in tools and systems to improve reliability
- Continue to replace end-of-life diesel buses with new electric buses
- Explore opportunities:
- to improve public transport access to and from the new stadium (Te Kaha)
- for on-demand services in Greater Christchurch
- over the longer-term including asset ownership, network planning, and funding.
Option 2 includes the same level of work but with a slower delivery over 10-20 years. Option 3 reduces some network improvements and removes decorbonisation of the fleet as a priority.
*The targeted public transport rate is paid by communities that predominantly benefit from the service improvement. For example, the improvements to the direct services for Waimakariri would be funded 100% by the district’s ratepayers, with the main funding source coming from the urban public transport targeted rate e.g., Rangiora Urban.
Enabling Total Mobility and support for Community Vehicle Trusts
Increase investment required for the Total Mobility scheme and maintain funding support for Community Vehicle Trusts.
- There is no difference between options in this area of work.
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