Detailed results and comments

61% - 485 people chose Option A – Waimairi Rd

36% - 288 people chose Option B – Ilam Rd

24 people did not choose either option and offered different “other” route suggestions (noted below)

The Orbiter tends to be the “shoppers’ bus” with shopping and appointments the main reason for trips. The Orbiter is also popular for commuting to work, school and tertiary study.

The majority of submitted also indicated that they use other bus routes, demonstrating that the Orbiter is valued as a connection to the wider network. Routes 3, 5 and 100 were the most popular which all provide transfers on Riccarton Rd between Ilam Rd and Waimairi Rd.

Access to the University was a key issue for the supporters of the Ilam Rd option, with 162 of the 281 submitters commenting on student access. In general, comments from submitters were about making life easier, that they would use the Orbiter more, and that it would save them either transferring from another bus or walking through Ilam fields.

Current bus services were also noted by 55 people, saying that there are already two buses servicing Ilam Rd. 29 people said that the Orbiter was the only service along Waimairi Rd.

The Ilam Rd cycleway was noted by many. This included both the recent completion of the section between Riccarton Rd and Creyke Rd and the section yet to be constructed from Creyke Rd to Memorial Ave. Many commented that this narrowing of the road was a good reason not to add the Orbiter to the present and future congestion. Conversely, a few people felt that Ilam Rd should be left for buses and cyclists.

Satisfaction with the Orbiter service

Overall, the Orbiter provides a valued and well-used service.

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