Long-Term Plan 2018-28
Consultation has concluded
New Long-Term Plan 2018-28
The new Long-Term Plan 2018-28 (LTP) was adopted on 21 June 2018 and came into effect on 1 July 2018. The plan looks out 10 years, with detailed budgets and activity outlined for the first three. An LTP is produced every three years. The first year of the LTP is considered to be the annual plan for that year.
For years two and three, an annual plan is produced enabling any proposed amendments to activity to be discussed with the community prior to being commenced for that year. An annual report is produced every year.
In this LTP you will see a new Climate Change Integration programme, new work in the biodiversity and biosecurity portfolio, public transport innovation funding and other changes in focus.
Use the Desktop Rates tool to find out how your rates are calculated
As part of the production of this LTP, we also introduced a desktop rates tool to enable ratepayers to see where funding comes from and where it is spent for all the projects planned for the coming year. You can also submit feedback on the tool here.
Submissions on the Long-Term Plan 2018-28
You can view all the submissions here.
You can view the Submission Summary Report and any other consultation documents under "important documents".
New Long-Term Plan 2018-28
The new Long-Term Plan 2018-28 (LTP) was adopted on 21 June 2018 and came into effect on 1 July 2018. The plan looks out 10 years, with detailed budgets and activity outlined for the first three. An LTP is produced every three years. The first year of the LTP is considered to be the annual plan for that year.
For years two and three, an annual plan is produced enabling any proposed amendments to activity to be discussed with the community prior to being commenced for that year. An annual report is produced every year.
In this LTP you will see a new Climate Change Integration programme, new work in the biodiversity and biosecurity portfolio, public transport innovation funding and other changes in focus.
Use the Desktop Rates tool to find out how your rates are calculated
As part of the production of this LTP, we also introduced a desktop rates tool to enable ratepayers to see where funding comes from and where it is spent for all the projects planned for the coming year. You can also submit feedback on the tool here.
Submissions on the Long-Term Plan 2018-28
You can view all the submissions here.
You can view the Submission Summary Report and any other consultation documents under "important documents".
New Long-Term Plan 2018-28 adopted
The Long-Term Plan 2018-28 (LTP) came into effect on 1 July 2018. The plan looks out 10 years, with detailed budgets and activity outlined for the first three. An LTP is produced every three years. The first year of the LTP is considered to be the annual plan for that year.
For years two and three, an annual plan is produced enabling any proposed amendments to activity to be discussed with the community prior to being commenced for that year. An annual report is produced every year.
In this LTP you will see a new Climate Change Integration programme, new work in the biodiversity and biosecurity portfolio, public transport innovation funding and other changes in focus.
The graph below summarises operational expenditure across the six portfolios in 2018-28. The full plan is available under "important documents".
Expenditure 2018/19
Portfolio expenditure for year 1 of the LTP (2018/19) -
Desktop Rates Tool
All property owners in Canterbury pay rates. There are different types of rates that make up the total you pay.You can use the desktop rates tool to see how the different portfolios and programmes of work are funded in general terms in project view and also geographically in map view.
Long-Term Plan 2018-28 deliberations return a practical solution for bus users
At the Environment Canterbury Council meeting today (Wednesday 23 May), the Councillors deliberated on the submissions received on the draft Long-Term Plan 2018-28, and in particular the community input regarding the proposed changes to the public transport service.“Since we put the draft plan out for consultation at the end of February, we have been hearing from the community. The majority of formal submissions covered the public transport options that we had asked for specific feedback on, although many of those submitters also made comment on other aspects of the plan”, says Chairman, Steve Lowndes.
“We received support for the Healthier Homes Canterbury loan initiative, the new Climate Change Integration programme, and requests for additional funding to support community groups in the biodiversity and protection space.
“Council would like to thank all those people who made a submission. The amount of work that goes into putting together a submission is not insignificant in many cases, and the effort is very much appreciated by the Councillors.
Many submissions covered items that are already underway or included in the proposed budgets – but this feedback is just as important, so we know what is important to the community and therefore what needs to stay in if we have to consider what we can do less of in order to accommodate a new request.”
Proposed public transport options addressed
At the Deliberations Meeting the Councillors reviewed the solution developed to address the issues raised by the community in response to the proposed public transport options.
The solution is a modification of the six routes proposed to be disestablished – with frequency changes, the combining of two routes, extension and re-routing of others.
“People told us that they didn’t like any of the options put forward in the draft plan to address the financial position of our public transport network. They also told us what they needed from the network. It is this information that was gold for Council when it came to designing the solution, which goes a long way towards addressing the financial needs and the community needs.
“Staff have read all the submissions, and they attended the three days of hearings, listening to the comments from the submitters and guidance from Council on where we wanted this to land. What we ended up with is a new solution that we are confident will satisfy the majority of submitters”.
By adopting the new solution the financial result needed will not be realised as quickly. “Many submitters, including those who do not take the bus, said they were happy to increase rates to retain the services. To deliver the new solution we have looked at targeted rates and we are also budgeting for a 2.5% increase in revenue from public transport fares**”.
Information on the public transport changes can be found on the metro website.
As part of the public transport deliberations, Council agreed to include $250k each year for the first two years of the Long-Term Plan for trials of innovative new ways to deliver the service; and to restore the Total Mobility subsidy to $35.
During the deliberations, Council also agreed to add additional funding for catchment liaison committees, Banks Peninsula pest control and environmental hubs, reflecting Council’s desire to see a step-change in effort in biodiversity. They also agreed to reduce the budgeted amount for river rating reserves in order to allow for the public transport and other changes, while keeping the year one rates increase under 5%.
To deliver the Long-Term Plan 2018-28, with the changes requested by the community and accepted at the Deliberations Meeting, will require an indicative rates increase of 4.9%* in year one (2018/19). To achieve this, revenue from general rates will need to increase by 5.2% and from targeted rates by 4.6% (from 2017/18 revenue). Following Council’s instruction today, staff will calculate exact rates income to achieve the activity in the Long-Term Plan.
“We started the process back in February with a draft plan that required a 4.5% total rates revenue increase. All the information and requests we received brought this up to a potential increase of 7.5%, so these deliberations required Council to consider what we could and should support by way of changes, what we could fund differently or phase over a longer time frame, and what we were unable to support – so that we could bring that 7.5% back down to within an acceptable rates increase figure.
“I am very happy with what we have managed to achieve for public transport in response to the wishes of the community, as well as the other areas we have supported with additional funding or by making changes within existing allocations, while keeping below the 5% increase mark.”
The final Long-Term Plan 2018-28 will be adopted by Council on 21 June 2018.
*Note this is total rates revenue and not the % by which every rate payer's rates will increase. Individual rates are made up of a mix of general rates and targeted rates.
**Note this is total fare revenue, not the increase for every fare. Increasing the number of paying passengers will also contribute to this.
Life Cycle
Consultation open
Long-Term Plan 2018-28 has finished this stageConsultation was open for the community to have their say.
Consultation closed
Long-Term Plan 2018-28 has finished this stage26 March was the last day to have your say on the Long-Term Plan 2018-2028 Consultation.
Public Hearings
Long-Term Plan 2018-28 has finished this stagePublic hearings to review the submissions took place on 30 April to 2 May 2018 at Environment Canterbury offices. Read the full hearing schedule for all days.
Submission summary report released
Long-Term Plan 2018-28 has finished this stageA summary report will be available mid May, 2018.
Public deliberations
Long-Term Plan 2018-28 has finished this stageThe public deliberation meeting for the Long-Term Plan will take place on Wednesday 23 May at 1pm till 3pm at Environment Canterbury offices. You can find the Submission Summary Report in the Council agenda meeting documents.
Long-Term Plan 2018-28 Adopted
Long-Term Plan 2018-28 is currently at this stageCouncil adopted the new Long Term Plan 2018 - 2028 on 21 June 2018, which sets out what Ecan will do over the next 10 years.
Key Dates
15 April 2018
30 April 2018
15 May 2018
23 May 2018