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Please note this survey has now closed.

In May 2022 an independent market research organisation conducted Environment Canterbury’s annual resident research survey.

Undertaking this survey is a stated action in our annual plan. The survey was conducted with 500 people who represented Canterbury’s population make up.

The findings showed that 68% of respondents felt it was important to know what Environment Canterbury does and that 34% were aware they are able to have a say on what Environment Canterbury does.

Sixty-nine percent would also like to hear more from Environment Canterbury in general, with 53% disagreeing with the idea ‘no news is good news’.

The survey responses also provided insight into the types of communication channels they do or would like to receive information from. Some of the results contradict results gathered in previous years or in other project surveys. The results suggest a swing back to traditional methods of communicating away from prioritising digital methods.

The results also note that the response to types of communication was heavily skewed based on age range, with 18 – 24-year-olds leaning towards digital methods and older age groups leaning towards print materials (papers, flyers, letter box or information in rates bills).

Our aim was to gather further information to help us understand how we can make it easier for people to have a say on our work.

How will my information be used?

The results from the survey will be used to help us develop our communication and engagement programmes for 2023.

The information provided is treated as confidential, and a summary report will only show information in a way that does not identify you.

Not part of Te Kōrari?

Te Kōrari is an opportunity to share your views on a range of current topics and issues in Canterbury. It's an easy way to make a positive difference for the local environment, and ensure the voice of the community is being heard by your regional council.

Sign up to join, and receive our short online surveys. Learn more.


Please note this survey has now closed.

In May 2022 an independent market research organisation conducted Environment Canterbury’s annual resident research survey.

Undertaking this survey is a stated action in our annual plan. The survey was conducted with 500 people who represented Canterbury’s population make up.

The findings showed that 68% of respondents felt it was important to know what Environment Canterbury does and that 34% were aware they are able to have a say on what Environment Canterbury does.

Sixty-nine percent would also like to hear more from Environment Canterbury in general, with 53% disagreeing with the idea ‘no news is good news’.

The survey responses also provided insight into the types of communication channels they do or would like to receive information from. Some of the results contradict results gathered in previous years or in other project surveys. The results suggest a swing back to traditional methods of communicating away from prioritising digital methods.

The results also note that the response to types of communication was heavily skewed based on age range, with 18 – 24-year-olds leaning towards digital methods and older age groups leaning towards print materials (papers, flyers, letter box or information in rates bills).

Our aim was to gather further information to help us understand how we can make it easier for people to have a say on our work.

How will my information be used?

The results from the survey will be used to help us develop our communication and engagement programmes for 2023.

The information provided is treated as confidential, and a summary report will only show information in a way that does not identify you.

Not part of Te Kōrari?

Te Kōrari is an opportunity to share your views on a range of current topics and issues in Canterbury. It's an easy way to make a positive difference for the local environment, and ensure the voice of the community is being heard by your regional council.

Sign up to join, and receive our short online surveys. Learn more.

Page last updated: 01 Feb 2023, 08:52 AM