Changing some other fees and charges

We have identified some areas where fees and charges can now be reduced due to improved systems and processes, and some where we need to increase the charges to cover the actual costs incurred. We have also identified some parts of the Fees and Charges Schedule (PDF file, 1.2MB) where the information could be made clearer.

We are therefore proposing changes to:

• Certificate of Compliance

• Fee for returned applications

• Fees for transfers/surrenders

• Change of conditions deposit

• Deemed permitted activity assessment

• Bore consent.

What would that look like?

Proposed adjustments to fixed fees

Certificate of compliance – change from fixed fee ($2,200) to deposit ($1,500)

Returned application ($590) – existing fee, included in schedule for transparency

Partial surrender – increase from $309.50 to $390

Full transfer – increase from $105 to $180

Proposed adjustments to deposits

Change of conditions – simplify from $3,300 (water permit) or $1,900 (any other consent) to one deposit $3,500

Notice of Deemed Permitted Activity – increase from $500 to $1,000

Bore consent – change from not specified ($3,500) to $2,500

Place a swing mooring – remove separate deposit ($700), covered under new proposed deposit structure.

If we do not implement these changes some customers may be undercharged, for example those paying fixed fees for transfers/surrenders, and others may be paying too much, such as those paying the current fixed fee for a certificate of compliance – which is proposed to change to a lower deposit.

We will also retain a fixed fee of $3,500 for consent applications that are high quality, complete and that staff determine are able to be decided quickly using our Direct Decision Pathway (introduced in 2023/24).

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