Next steps - Phase Two community workshops

We have wrapped up Phase One of the Our Waitarakao project, where our team got out in the community to find out what you think is important about the Waitarakao Washdyke Lagoon catchment. We enjoyed hearing your ideas and feedback on how the area could be improved.
Conversations with the community at the drop-in events and stakeholder meetings, along with online survey submissions, indicated an overwhelming level of support towards the project. More than 100 people, businesses and organisations registered their interest to be involved in community workshops to help develop a strategy to restore the health and mauri (lifeforce) of the lagoon and catchment.
As we enter Phase Two of the project, our team will be holding three half-day workshops in October and November. The group attending the workshops has been selected to include a diverse range of individuals, groups, organisations and stakeholders to represent the Timaru community. Using this combined knowledge and insight, the feedback gathered from these events will inform the development of the draft strategy for the catchment.
Our team will keep you updated as the project develops. To stay informed follow the Our Waitarakao facebook page, or keep an eye on this website.

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