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Proposed Change 1 to Chapter 6 of the Canterbury Regional Policy Statement (CRPS) identifies future development areas for urban housing in Rolleston, Rangiora and Kaiapoi. It adds associated policy provisions to enable Selwyn and Waimakariri District Councils to rezone land within these areas through their district planning processes, if required to meet shortfalls in housing capacity.
This is a targeted change that implements an action in Our Space 2018-2048: Greater Christchurch Settlement Pattern Update Whakahāngai O Te Hōrapa Nohoanga and gives effect to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020.
Our Space 2018-2048 identified that housing development capacity in Selwyn and Waimakariri may be not sufficient to meet demand over the medium and long-term (10 to 30 years), and a targeted change to the CRPS was identified as part of the proposed planning response. Wider and longer-term urban development issues will also be considered as part of a scheduled full review of the CRPS.
The proposed change seeks to amend Chapter 6 and Map A of the CRPS as follows:
- Identify Future Development Areas in Rolleston, Rangiora and Kaiapoi as shown on Proposed Amendment to Map A: Identification of Future Development Areas.
- Insert a new policy (Policy 6.3.12) to enable land within these Future Development Areas to be rezoned by Selwyn and Waimakariri District Councils, if required to meet their medium-term (10 year) housing needs.
- Make consequential changes to objectives, policies, text and definitions within Chapter 6 of the CRPS.
The proposed changes to provisions can be viewed in full in the document titled Proposed Change 1 to Chapter 6 of the CRPS.
Proposed Amendment to Map A
A layered map that includes street numbers can also viewed on the Canterbury Maps website.
In April 2020, the Minister for the Environment directed us to enter a streamlined planning process for this proposed change, and in August 2020 the Minister granted us a six-month extension to publicly notify it. Notice of the amendment to the Minister's direction was published in the New Zealand Gazette.
The streamlined planning process was introduced through amendments to the Resource Management Act (RMA) in April 2017. It is a Minister-directed process intended to give flexibility in plan-making processes and timeframes. Using a streamlined planning process has the potential to reduce the time and cost associated with implementing changes to RMA plans, with fewer mandatory process steps and limited scope for appeals.
The streamlined planning process is different to the standard Schedule 1 RMA process, and the process steps and timeframes are set by the Minister. A summary of the streamlined planning process being followed is set out below, and the full statutory requirements are set out in the Minister's Direction (PDF File, 38.03KB) dated 29 April 2020 and notice of amendment (PDF File, 32.08KB) dated 6 August 2020.
Summary of process steps
Pre-notification consultation with Te Rūnanga o Ngaī Tahu (the iwi authority) and Ngaī Tūāhuriri (being a hapū of Ngāi Tahu) in accordance with clause 4A of Schedule 1 of the RMA. To be completed no later than 15 working days after the date the notice comes into force.
Publicly notify the proposed change to Chapter 6 of the CRPS. To be completed no later than 140 working days after completion of pre-notification consultation (Step 1).
Provide an opportunity for written submissions over a period of 20 working days. Public submissions to be received no later than 20 working days after public notification (Step 2).
A written recommendations report is to be provided to the Minister showing how submissions have been considered, and the changes (if any) recommended. This will be reviewed by an independent commissioner. The report must be submitted to the Minister no later than 30 working days after the close of submissions (Step 3).
The process steps must be completed within 205 days of the notice coming into effect.
The final step under the Minister's Direction is the submission of a written recommendations report, showing how submissions have been considered and the changes recommended to the proposed planning instrument. The report must be provided, together with all other documents required by clause 83(1) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act, for the Minister's consideration, no later than 30 working days after the close of submissions.
On 28 March, we submitted the written recommendations report and other required documents to the Minister for consideration. In accordance with the Minister's Direction, the draft recommendations report was peer reviewed by an independent commissioner. The commissioner's comments were then addressed or incorporated into the final report.
The Minister may approve the proposed change, refer it back to us for reconsideration, or decline it.