Does my SuperGold Card concession change?

    The SuperGold card concession does not change in any of the three options. SuperGold cardholders remain eligible for free off-peak travel on all Metro bus and ferry services. 

    At peak travel times (before 9am, and between 3pm-6.30pm on weekdays), cardholders will either pay the full adult fare (Option 1 & 3) or a $2 flat fare (Option 2).

    How are my rates affected?

    Your rates are made up of city or district council rates and Environment Canterbury (regional council) rates. The public transport service is part of your regional council rates.

    How your rates will be affected depends upon which public transport option is implemented in February 2023.

    Have a look at our example households for how it could affect you, or check out the rates calculator.

    Why is there no increase in public transport rates for the tertiary concession (Option 3)?

    Funding for the tertiary concession was already included in Year 2 of the Long-Term Plan (2022/23).

    Why was the Total Mobility card chosen for fare-free travel in Option 1?

    There are several different mobility and disabilities cards. Total Mobility was chosen as there are already a large number of card holders in Canterbury, it has clear criteria regarding accessibility, and is managed by Environment Canterbury.

    If I do not use public transport do my rates still increase?


    The public transport rate is applied to urban residents in Christchurch, Selwyn and Waimakariri districts that have access to public transport. Each council applies these rates differently.

    Why is the Ferry not included in Option 1 or 2 ( single zone)?

    The Diamond Harbour ferry is not included in Option 1 or 2 ( single zone) as the availability and financial costs of a ferry service are different from a bus.