The Annual Plan | Mahere ā Tau is our commitment to Cantabrians for the activities and outcomes we’re planning to deliver in 2022/23.
Every three years we put together a long-term plan. On the other years an annual plan outlines the activities and budget for the upcoming financial year.
Changes from the Long-Term Plan
While the activities in the Annual Plan largely align with Year 2 of the Long-Term Plan 2021–31, we will make a few changes to address some of the challenges and opportunities that have arisen over the last year.
We plan $264.7 million of total expenditure in 2022/23, with $150.2 million funded by rates. A total rates revenue increase of 16.2%.
Council received over 2,800 submissions on the draft Annual Plan in March/April 2022, of which 110 were presented in person during hearings held 26-29 April. Council deliberations took place 24-25 May, and the final plan was adopted at the Council meeting on 16 June 2022.
Find out more about what's included in the Annual Plan
The Annual Plan | Mahere ā Tau is our commitment to Cantabrians for the activities and outcomes we’re planning to deliver in 2022/23.
Every three years we put together a long-term plan. On the other years an annual plan outlines the activities and budget for the upcoming financial year.
Changes from the Long-Term Plan
While the activities in the Annual Plan largely align with Year 2 of the Long-Term Plan 2021–31, we will make a few changes to address some of the challenges and opportunities that have arisen over the last year.
We plan $264.7 million of total expenditure in 2022/23, with $150.2 million funded by rates. A total rates revenue increase of 16.2%.
Council received over 2,800 submissions on the draft Annual Plan in March/April 2022, of which 110 were presented in person during hearings held 26-29 April. Council deliberations took place 24-25 May, and the final plan was adopted at the Council meeting on 16 June 2022.
Find out more about what's included in the Annual Plan